Classic Equine "Train Compete Win" Classic Equine Ropers Sports Powder conveniently fits behind the cantle of your saddle for convenient access. In 1986 in Granbury, Texas, Classic Rope started as one of the first companies to devise and perfect machine manufacturing of the lariat rope. Countless hours were spent formulating rope components that could withstand all types of roping conditions, both indoor and outdoor. Initially founded for the sole purpose of supporting the event of team roping, Classic was able to offer a consistent structure and sensitive feel in their ropes like no others on the market. Because of its quality and appeal, Classic Rope quickly became the leading rope manufacturer that professionals grew to depend on, and still use and trust today. As Classic Rope surpassed its own horizon, new innovations unfolded and the next generation of companies developed. In 1995, Classic Equine began by specializing in high quality saddle pads and quickly expanded with more product lines offering the same attention to quality and durability. The current product offering now includes protective boots, cinches, bits, spurs, winter blankets and sheets, and accessories. Classic Equine has always worked closely with professional men and women from all disciplines of the western industry to test and perfect each product during development. Because the company was founded and developed by professionals, the form and function of each product serves a specific purpose. The driving purpose of Classic Equine has always been to offer the highest quality products available, keeping the performance horse’s safety and well-being first and foremost in mind.